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2018/5/14 16:42:00



Dr Yannis Alexandrides, British and American board certified plastic surgeon, added: 'The skin around your eyes is extremely delicate too as it is where the skin is the thinnest. 
'Staring or squinting at a screen all day while sitting in the same position means the muscles around the eyes never relax, which causes eye strain and stretches the this delicate layer of skin. This can lead to premature wrinkles. 

'A hydrating eye mask can provide immediate anti-ageing results.' 
“保濕眼膜有速效抗衰老的功效?!?br />
Sitting next to the window 

Having a desk next to the window may be great for having a nosy outside, but it’s not so great for you skin. 

Dr. Justine Hextall said: 'Glass filters out only UVB rays. UVA rays, which penetrate deeper, can still get through. That's why many adults have more freckles on their right side than their left - it's from UV exposure on that side through the car window when driving.' 

To protect yourself, keep some SPF on your desk and apply sunscreen to any exposed areas throughout the day (like your hands, forearms, and face). 

Always choose an SPF above factor 40 - even in the winter. 

Being exposed to the air conditioning

Corinne Morley, skincare expert at Trilogy, explains that central heating, along with air conditioning, can severely dry out your skin. 

'The closer you sit to a radiator, the more detrimental it may be, because the air may be hotter,' she said. 'If you already have skin conditions like eczema, rosacea or psoriasis, air-conditioning can make them worse, disrupting the skin’s natural moisture balance.' 
“離散熱裝置坐的越近,受到的損害越大。因為那里的空氣更熱。如果你已經(jīng)患有濕疹、紅斑痤瘡或牛皮癬等皮膚病,這只會讓事情變得更糟糕。因為空調(diào)會破壞皮膚天然的水分平衡?!?br />
Keep a mist toner on your desk, which will provide instant moisture for thirsty skin, and is a wonderful refresher any time of day, as well as an uplifting way to complete any cleansing routine. It tones, refreshes and stimulates the skin, and can even be used over make-up. 
Drinking too much coffee 

It’s always hard to turn down a coffee but GP and Skincare Specialist on behalf of Skincere, Dr. Anita Sturnham, has revealed how your coffee addiction can be ruining your skin. 

She said: 'Like most things in life, everything in moderation is the general recommendation for good health. Small quantities of caffeine may actually be beneficial for the skin but we know that those caffeine junkies who regularly guzzle tea and coffee throughout the day are more prone to dry and dehydrated skin as caffeine has a diuretic effect and draws water out of our cells, this can leave you with dull and lifeless looking skin.' 

She recommends using a day cream containing soothing ingredients like sunflower oil and jojoba to help protect and strengthen the barriers of the skin. 
