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2018/5/16 10:26:00



發(fā)行量審核局        ABC                  出血        bleed                                批量折扣        bulk discounts
行業(yè)雜志        business magazines                           發(fā)行量審核        circulation audit
分類廣告        classified ads                紐約分類廣告網(wǎng)絡(luò)        CANNY
分類圖片廣告        classified display ads                    截稿日期        closing date
彩色樣品紙條        color strip                      混合收費制        combination rates
消費者雜志        consumer magazines                         合同收費制        contract rate
贈閱發(fā)行        controlled circulation                  聯(lián)合形式        cooperative/co-op programs
千人成本        CPM                   封面日期        cover date                     封面位置        cover position
購物雜志        custom magazine           日報        daily newspapers                 人口版        demographic editions
圖片廣告        display advertising          實際收費        earned rates                  農(nóng)業(yè)刊物        farm publications
統(tǒng)一收費制度        flat rate                香味紙條        fragrance strips                   頻率折扣        frequency discounts
黃金版位        full position            門式折頁        gatefold                   地理版        geographic editions
基本發(fā)行量        guaranteed circulation                橫向刊物        horizontal publication
獨立購物指南        independent shopping guide                  插頁        insert                加插刊登通知        insertion order
島形半版        island halves               小單元        junior unit               地方城市雜志        local city magazine
雜志出版人協(xié)會        MPA            媒介采購員        media buyer                媒介標尺調(diào)查有限公司        MRI
全國性雜志        national magazines              全國性價格        national rate                美國報業(yè)協(xié)會        NAA
報紙版面庫        NSB                    上市日期        on-sale date                   公開收費制度        open rate
訂閱發(fā)行        paid circulation                  自動彈啟式廣告        pop-up ad.               自選版位費        preferred-position rates
預(yù)印廣告插頁        preprinted inserts            初級發(fā)行量        primary circulation                   清樣        proof copy
公告        public notice                費率基準        rate base                價目表        rate card
閱讀告示        reading notice              地區(qū)性刊物        regional publications                   任意版位費制        ROP advertising rates
二級讀者量        secondary/pass-along readership                  欠資收費制        short rate                    賽蒙斯市場調(diào)查局        SMRB
多胞胎版        split runs             標準廣告單位        SAU                     標準收費與數(shù)據(jù)服務(wù)公司        SRDS             標準型報紙        standard-size newspaper
周日增刊        Sunday supplement              小報型報紙        tabloid newspaper             撕樣        tear sheets
三維廣告        3-D ads                縱向刊物        vertical publication                   數(shù)量折扣        volume discounts            周報        weekly newspapers




一切皆有可能(李寧服飾)Anything is possible.

給我一個機會,還你一個驚喜(嘉亨印務(wù))Give me a chance, and you’ll have a big surprise.

擁有完美肌膚的秘訣” The secret for perfect skin. 

國酒茅臺,相伴輝煌。Good and vigorous spirit.

運動休閑,我行我速。Go my own way.

我有我的品質(zhì)。What we do, we do well.

愛您一輩子(綠世界化妝品)Love me tender, love me true.

一冊在手,縱覽全球(《全球》雜志的廣告語)With a copy of The Globe in your hand, the world unfolds before you so grand.

中原之行哪里去?鄭州亞細亞。(亞細亞商場)While in Zhengzhou, do as the Zhengzhounese do --- Go shopping in the Asian Supermarket.




隨身攜帶,有備無患;隨身攜帶,有驚無險。A friend in need is a friend indeed.


你不理財,財不理你If you leave Managing Money alone, Money will manage to leave you alone.


“美的” 家電, 美的全面、美的徹底Midea home appliances are beautiful-beautiful from head to toe, beautiful inside out.


優(yōu)良的質(zhì)量優(yōu)惠的價格優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)Unrivalled quality Unbeatable prices Unreserved service


我們實行“三包”:包修、包退、包換We offer 3-R guarantee, namely guaranteed repair, replacement and refund.


方寸之間,深情無限On these tiny postage stampsPhilatelists friendship franks


一冊在手,縱覽全球With a copy of The Globe in your hand, the world unfolds before you so grand.


為您提供美,為您提供樂,為您提供愛,為您提供趣。It gives you joy. It gives you fun. It gives you beauty. It gives you love.


非常可樂飲料 非??蓸罚浅_x擇A special cola. A Special Choice.

CCTV 西部頻道口號

為中國西部的騰飛加油!Shoulders to the wheel and do our best ---for the economic take-off in Chinas west!

她工作,你休息She takes over the chores,So you can rest, of course.

皮張之厚無以復(fù)加,利潤之薄無以復(fù)減The leather we use is quite thick;the profit we make is fairly thin.

第一流產(chǎn)品,為足下增光Our shoe polish is surely of the first rate;It shines your shoes and you look great.


“要想皮膚好,早晚用大寶”Applying Dabao morning and night Makes your skincare a real delight.

