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2018/5/21 16:54:00





  Preservative:Avoid asking about preservatives in France; you’ll probably be met with strange looks. It means ‘condom’ in France。


  French Letter: Don’t say french letter unlike in other nations of the world, it simply means a condom in France。

  French Letter:不像在世界其他國家,在法國不要說french letter(法國的信)這個詞,在法語中這個詞就是“避孕套”的意思。

  Bra: Do you sell luxury underwear? Whilst you and I might initially understand the word to mean a garment that covers the breasts, if you’re in France your French colleagues might think you’re selling arms. Literal




  Pick: If you’re visiting Norway, don’t use the word ‘pick’. Your Norwegian colleague is unlikely to be impressed – it means ‘dick’ over there。


  Fitter: Does your business specialise in fitness products? Be mindful that in Norway, the word ‘fitter’ refers to a woman’s genitals。




  Peach: Going to Turkey? Avoid asking for a peach in the supermarket or anywhere else for that matter. It means ‘bastard’ in Turkish。




  Gift: ‘Never look a gift horse in the mouth’, we’re told; perhaps more so in Germany where the word means ‘poison’。


  Latte: In Germany, latte doesn’t mean the frothy, milky concoction you get from your local Starbucks. It means ‘erect penis’ in some German quarters。
