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2018/5/24 10:09:00


保險條款的翻譯公司_專業(yè)保險翻譯服務(wù)     樂文新鄉(xiāng)翻譯公司       新鄉(xiāng)翻譯公司報價     新鄉(xiāng)專業(yè)翻譯公司


  1: The JVC shall purchase appropriate comprehensive insurance to cover various

  kinds of risks as would be usual for a joint venture enterprise engaged in the

  same type of industry and in manufacturing products similar to the Products

  including, without limitation, product liability covering the manufacture and

  supply of the Products and such insurance shall be underwritten by an insurance

  company registered in the PRC. The types, value and duration of insurance shall

  be decided by the Board of Directors after discussion with the insurance

  companies and Party B.




  The premises, plant, machinery and equipment, raw materials, components and the

  Products shall be insured by JVC for adequate replacement value against fire,

  storm, tempest, accident, flood, theft and other risks which may destroy or

  diminish the value of the Products or which may render the Products unfit for




  2: Insurance shall, to the extent it is available on premium and terms

  comparable to those abroad and as required by applicable Chinese law, be

  obtained in China and such policies will be denominated in Renminbi or foreign

  currency or both, as appropriate.


  The Company shall, at its own cost and expense, at all times during operation of

  the factory and other facilities and during any construction work take out and

  maintain full and adequate property insurance covering the buildings, contents,

  and other first party risks of the Company as are customarily insured against in



  The Company shall maintain product liability insurance, third party liability

  insurance and other relevant insurance coverage in order to protect the Company,

  its employees, agents and other appropriate parties from claims.



  3: During the term of this Agreement, Party A shall undertake, renew and

  maintain for its benefit and interest, and at its own cost and expense, the

  following primary insurance policies:


  (a) General Public Liability Policy with Party B being named as a co-insured

  covering all loss, damage or liability incurred or arising from the operation of

  the Services including, without limitation, for bodily injury, death or property

  damage, for an amount not less than RMB25,000,000 per accident or occurrence;




  (b) Employer’s Liability Policy with Party B being named as a co-named in

  conformity with local laws and regulations and accepted practice in the PRC;

  (b) 雇主責(zé)任險,乙方列為共同被保險人,此保險應(yīng)符合中國地方法律法規(guī)和普遍接受的慣例;

  (c) Property Damage Policy covering its premises against all risks of direct

  physical loss or damage from any cause, or if such a policy is not available,

  against the risks of fire and associated risks such as explosion, electrical

  damage, water damage, riots, strikes, civil commotion, terrorism, windstorms,

  hurricanes, cyclones, floods, burglary, theft and other similar risks;



  (d) Property Damage Policy with Party B being named as the sole beneficiary

  covering loss or damage to the materials, Products, Bulks Products, Equipment

  and other property of Party B as a result of natural disaster or negligence or

  omission by Party A; and Party A shall inform Party B of any change to its

  insurance policies listed above which would result in a reduced insurance




  (e) Any other insurance policy or policies against such other insurable risks as

  shall be normal and customary in the PRC for operation similar to that of Party

  A, in each case with Party B named in the policy or a certificate of insurance

  as loss payee, additional insured, or in such manner as Party B’s insurance

  company and Party A’s insurance company may agree.




  4:Throughout the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall at its own expense,

  obtain and maintain the following insurance policies: (a) Commercial General

  Liability insurance, with coverage of not less than US$ 1,000,000 per occurrence

  and US$ 2,000,000 in the aggregate for bodily injury and property damage, (b)

  Motor Vehicle Liability insurance for owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, with

  limits of not less than US$ 1,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury

  and property damage, (c) Worker’s Compensation insurance in the amount required

  by statue for all states in which the project or work is to be performed, and

  (d) Professional Liability insurance with limits of not less than US$ 1,000,000

  per claim. Consultant will endeavor to notify Client in writing of any material

  change to its coverage as described herein. Consultant shall furnish

  certificates of insurance evidencing coverage or other acceptable evidence of

  self-insurance to Client upon request.






  5:Insurance required under this Agreement shall be:

  (a) Commercial General Liability insurance including bodily injury, property

  damage, personal injury, advertising injury and products/completed operations,

  with a limit of not less than US$ 1,000,000 each occurrence and US$ 2,000,000

  annual aggregate.

  (b) Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance covering all

  persons whom the Contractor may employ in carrying out the services hereunder.

  Worker’s Compensation insurance will be in accordance with the Worker’s

  Compensation Law of the jurisdiction where the work is performed. Employer’s

  Liability shall be provided with limits of not less than US$ 500,000 each

  accident; US$ 500,000 each disease; and US$ 500,000 disease policy limit.

  (c) Professional Liability insurance covering the negligent acts, errors or

  omissions committed by Consultant pursuant to rendering or failure to render

  professional services pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the

  contract with limits of not less than US$ 5,000,000 per claim.

  Prior to the commencement of services hereunder, the Contractor shall furnish

  Party B with Certificates of Insurance (or evidence of self-insurance) for all

  insurance required herein. Each insurer must be reasonably acceptable to Party

  B, and possess a minimum Best’s rating of ‘A-VII’ (or equivalent rating agency

  in the country) and licensed to conduct business in all states/countries where

  this Agreement shall apply.








