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2018/5/31 15:24:00




1. Have a Word of the Day.  每日一詞

Trying to learn everything at once and getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of words in your new language can be overwhelming. Sometimes, even if you do learn new words, you forget them quickly because you haven’t heard them enough in context.


One way to get around this problem is to keep a few new words in your vocabulary by using them on a daily basis. Since it takes an adult an average of 150 times to learn to use a new word properly, having a Word of the Day or several words can help build your vocabulary.


You can do this one of two ways. One, you can keep a running list of words you’d like to learn and designate one to be the word of the day. Or, two, you can wait for new words to come up organically in conversation, and then try to use the new word several times.

推薦兩種方式:1. 列個單詞清單,每天輪流選擇一個作為使用重點;2. 選擇無意出現(xiàn)在對話中的新單詞作為記憶對象,再使用數(shù)次。


2. Speak the language as much as you can (especially with native speakers).  說得越多越好(特別是跟母語人士)

It goes without saying that the best way to learn how to speak a language is to actually speak it. Reading and studying grammar books will only get you so far.


And yet, it’s so easy to get trapped in the “not-good-enough” mindset, where you don’t speak because you think you don’t speak well enough. And then your speaking doesn’t get better.我們很容易就陷入“因為說不好,所以不愿說;因為不愿說,所以更說不好”的死胡同。

So make an effort to communicate with native speakers of your language. You’ll learn a lot more in a 5 minute conversation with a native Spanish speaker than you will from another English speaker who’s had 2 years of college Spanish. Try to spend 80% of your time speaking with those who speak the language better than you.



3. Listen to foreign language radio or TV, even as background noise. 聽英語廣播和電視,即使當背景也好

Part of learning to speak a foreign language properly is learning the intonations and rhythms of the words. In French, for example, you can’t put the emphasis on different words in a sentence to vary what you mean (like you can do in English). And it’s easy to distinguish beginner students from near-native speakers by listening for the ones who pronounce French like it’s English.


The remedy to that is to listen to the language as much as possible.


Try to hear the pacing of the words, how they’re pronounced in different contexts, and what the different intonations are. How does the language sound when the speaker is excited, or angry, or asking an accusatory question?


Even listening to the language in the background will help you to pick up information on how the language is spoken.即使是把對話當背景也可以潛移默化影響你。


4. Look up words you don’t know in a monolingual dictionary.   使用單語詞典查單詞

Figuring out the meaning of words can be tricky in a foreign language, since direct and accurate translations don’t always exist. While getting the word for physical objects, like milk or desk, might be straightforward, translating concepts can be a lot harder.


By looking words up in a monolingual dictionary, you can make sure that the word or phrase you choose actually means what you think it does.通過查詢單語詞典,你可以確保所選用的單詞是你想表達的意思。

5. When you make a mistake, immediately try to correct yourself.  出錯時立即自我糾正I

f you mistype a word, you should delete the whole word before retyping it correctly to reprogram your brain to do it properly the next time.


The same goes for learning a language.學習語言也是如此。

If you misspeak, and catch your mistake, immediately correct yourself by repeating the sentence correctly. It will help you program your brain to avoid making the same mistake again, and solidify the grammar rules in your mind

