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2018/6/11 15:05:00



第二生業(yè) second employment; second occupation 

第三產(chǎn)業(yè) tertiary industry 

"第三者" the other person, the third person 

第三縱隊 third echelon 

對內(nèi)搞活,對外開放 enliven the domestic economy and open up to the outside world 

多種打理 diversified economy 

港個人統(tǒng)治港 Hong Kong people govern Hong Kong 

高架道路 viaduct; elevated highways 

搞活經(jīng)濟 invigorate /enliven / liberalize the economy 

情誼投資 invest in human relations 

改革開放 reform and open up (to the outside world) 

改善投資背景 improve the investment climate 

公款飲食 banquet at public expenses 

官倒 official profiteering; official racketeering 

國人民的生計產(chǎn)總值翻兩番 quadruple the GNP 

合資公司 joint venture 

和平一統(tǒng) peaceful reunification 

橫向經(jīng)濟結合 lateral economic ties 

戶籍制度 household registration system 

婚外情 affair(e); extramarital affair(e) 

婚外房事 sex out of wedlock 

婚介所 matrimonial agency; matchmaking agency; marriage bureau 

基本國策 basic state policy 

規(guī)劃生孩子 family planning 

假冒卑劣商品 fake or inferior quality commodity 

神魂文明 intellectual and ideological development 

經(jīng)濟研發(fā)區(qū) economic development zone 

經(jīng)濟特區(qū) special economic zone 

九年普及教育 nine-year compulsory education 

舉報核心 corruption-reporting centre 

"空嫂" married air hostess 

廉政建設 construction of a clean government 

留守男士 grass widower 

留守女士 grass widow 

亂漲價 unauthorized price rise 

民間勞動力 out-of-town laborer; rural laborer; migrant laborer 

農(nóng)轉(zhuǎn)非 agricultural people to be given non-agricultural status 

"扒分" moonlight 

攀比風 craze to vie with each other 

"妻管嚴" hen-pecked husband 

搶著購買風 panic buying; buying spree 

拳頭產(chǎn)品 hit product 

權益下放 delegate / decentralize power to the lower levels 

人材流失 brain drain 

人材市場 careers fair 

人浮于事 overstaffed 

三角學債 de變態(tài) chains 

掃黃運動 anti-porn drive 

商品房 condo (minimum) 

社會形態(tài)習氣 social morality 

社會形態(tài)習尚 social graces; social graciousness 

涉及外交的結婚 Chinese marriage with foreign nationals 

"跳槽" job-hop 

退居二線 leave the leading post; retire from the leading post 

拖欠教員月薪 suspend teachers' salaries; holdback teachers' salaries 

晚婚晚育 late marriage and postponement of childbearing 

歪風邪氣 evil winds 

外向型經(jīng)濟 export-oriented economy 

五好家子 five-virtue family 

五講四美三熱烈地愛 five advocations, four points of beauty and three aspects of love 

事物文明 material progress 

下崗擔任職務的人 redundant; laid-off 

"下海" risk one's fortune in doing business 

小康水準 comfortably-off life; well-to-do level 

小商品市場 smalls fair 

香港尤其行政區(qū) Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR)
