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2018/6/21 10:31:00

做駐馬店翻譯公司出色的譯員, 漢譯英的“八不”要記牢




  共同關(guān)心的問題questions of common interest解決問題solve a problem問題的關(guān)鍵the heart of the matter

  關(guān)鍵問題a key problem

  原則問題a question/matter of principle

  沒有什么問題without any mishap

  摩托車有點問題Something is wrong with the motorcycle。

  問題不在這里That is not the point。


  沙博里將《水滸傳》譯為:Outlaws of the Marsh(沼澤地上的亡命之徒),楊憲益譯將屈原的《國殤》譯為:For Those Fallen for Their Country,北外出版社將《儒林外史》譯為:The Scholars。這些都是譯者吃透了原文的原意而譯出的佳作。



  黃牛(yellow cow——ox前誤后正,下同)

  黃鸝(yellow bird ——oriole)

  黃瓜( yellow melon——cucumber)

  紫菜(purple vegetable ——laver)

  紅木(red wood——padauk)

  紅豆杉(red fir——Chinese yew)

  黑社會(black society ——sinister gang)




  And tossed the pen on the table. He intonedthe verses to himself, then downed a few more cups of wine. He was very dunk. Song-Jiang asked for the bill, paid, and told the waiter to keep the change. (沙博里譯《水滸傳·潯陽樓宋江吟反詩》)目前,《水滸傳》最好的英譯本要數(shù)沙博里先生的本子了。沙博里出生在美國,青年時來到中國,一住就是半個多世紀(jì)。為了譯好《水滸傳》,據(jù)說他潛心研究了山東的地方志和舊時方言,可謂精誠所致,譯著既“達”又“雅”。然而歷史告訴我們,中國古人沒有用過鋼筆,宋朝時用的還是毛筆,故the pen 應(yīng)改為the writing-brush。



  The US policy of linking trade with human rights can only bring harm to the economic interests of the two countries。


  China can't develop in isolation from the rest of the world。




  Failure to settle this issue is bound to impair the relations between the two countries seriously。

  If the problem is not solved, it is sure to affect the interests between the two countries。



  On the Hawaiian sandy beach, the coconut palms are whirling, the congenial seabreeze is blowing, and a young lady is lying in the white plastic chair resting to restore energy。

  因為是輕松讀本,又是描述性的文字,使用三個主語the coconut palms、the congenial sea breeze、a young lady仍是可取的。




  At the reunion party for 20 anniversary of graduation from university, I suddenly asked my former teacher in charge of our class then:” Since I am not of short stature, how did you arrange me at the first row?”


  When a woman doctor who suffers a severe myopic went to shoes-polishing shop for her buskins,the bald boss squatted down to serve her personally。




  fengshui——the location of a house or tomb, supposed to have an influence on the fortune of a family。




  “The bird may not have flown yet”, replied the King, “Once it does, it will soar to the sky. I may not have cried out yet, but once it does, it will startle everyone。”


  What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong, no matter what it concerns, the Chinese or foreigners, the dead or the living。




  Rose took out Zhang's letter, she thought, “It would be better to put it in her make-up case, and letter find it herself?!?So she put the letter in the case, leaving a corner of it sticking out, so that it would be quickly noticed。
