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2018/7/2 17:30:00



In my observation, everyone who has a financially successful career goes through the following three stages:
  1. Self-awareness
  Most people do not know what they want to do with their lives or even what kind of activity makes them happy. You ask these people, "What's your dream job?" and they reply, "I dunno..."
  So the first stage of any successful career is knowing enough about yourself to know what you ought to be doing with yourself.
  2. Monetization
  Most people get stages one and two backwards. They take a job (or a major in college) with the intent of making money and then wonder why they're not enjoying themselves.
  The recipe for success entails first finding out what you want to do and only then figuring out how to get customers to pay you money to do it.
  3. Expansion
  Now that you know what type of work makes you happy and you've gotten people to pay you money to do it, you expand your ability to do what makes you happy by reaching more customers.
  More money.More happiness. It's that simple.
  Probably one in 100 people "get" the process I've laid out above. I'll bet you're one of them or you wouldn't be reading this article.
