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2018/7/4 17:39:00



I left Andreessen Horowitz five months ago to join Imgur as director of product. Below are seven things I learned in venture capital that were particularly useful:
1. The winners always have something that looks hugely wrong with them. Like spectacularly wrong.That’s why no one else has invested/hired/built this opportunity. But you can. Value strength over lack of weakness.
1. 成功者總能找到看起來非常不合理的投資對象。有一些甚至明顯有違常理。正是因為如此,才沒有人投資/利用/培養(yǎng)這樣的機會。但你可以。你要尋找的是一個人或一個項目的長處,而不是尋找一個毫無缺點的人或項目。
2. Venture (and everything else) is a service business.That means you need to sell yourself to your customers (entrepreneurs, potential employees, partners) all day long. Everyone you talk to, especially the people you turn down, should walk away wanting to work with you even more than they did before.
2. 風(fēng)險投資(和其他所有事情)都屬于服務(wù)業(yè)。這意味著你需要向客戶(創(chuàng)業(yè)者、潛在員工、合伙人)推銷自己。與你接觸后,每一個人,尤其是被你拒絕的人,都應(yīng)該比之前更愿意和你一起共事。
3. The best way to become quickly knowledgeable is to find the right people and talk to them.Of course, do your homework first. But there isn’t a substitute to finding the three people in the world who know best and triangulating their answers.
3. 要想迅速掌握相關(guān)知識,最好的方法就是找到合適的人,與他們交流。當(dāng)然,首先要做足功課。但最有效的方法是,向世界上最了解某件事的三個人求教,用他們的回答互相印證,來支撐你的看法。
4. Managing a portfolio as a collection of risk-reward ratios leads to superior returns.Make sure to have a mixture of low reward, low risk and high reward, high risk projects at work and in life.
4. 將投資組合作為一系列風(fēng)險回報比率進行管理,可以帶來超高的收益。要保證在工作中和生活中都有低回報、低風(fēng)險和高回報、高風(fēng)險的項目。
5. There is no template for success, and no one knows what works.Everyone is winging it, so make sure you take apart advice to understand why it worked once. For that one person. In that one situation.
5. 成功無定式,沒有人知道成功的方程式。每個人都是在即興發(fā)揮,所以要確保你接受了獨立的建議,以理解為什么某種做法能夠成功。為什么那個人能夠成功?為什么是在那樣的情況下?
6. Big things growing really fast get really big, really fast.Bettings on these things when they seem large but are still growing is a good bet. Counter: make sure you understand why they’re growing, because there is real growth and then there is sugar growth. Sugar growth is fast but stops abruptly.
6. 真正發(fā)展迅速的龐然大物,可以變得更大、發(fā)展得更快。投資看起來很大但仍在發(fā)展的公司,是不錯的選擇。但要謹(jǐn)記:一定要清楚它們發(fā)展的原因,是有實際增長還是粉飾的增長。粉飾的增長雖然迅速但會戛然而止。
7. There is a huge advantage to being right early on.In venture, in each new job and in your career, those attached to winners are associated with success. If you have great investments early, the results can snowball.
7. 提早做出正確選擇,可以幫你獲得巨大優(yōu)勢。在風(fēng)險投資界,以及每一份新工作和你的職業(yè)生涯中,依附于勝者的人都會取得成功。如果你能提早進行重大投資,未來你的回報將如滾雪球般增長。
