7/16/2018 3:19:00 PM
商丘翻譯公司告訴你 你決定你成為什么樣的人
商丘翻譯公司告訴你 你決定你成為什么樣的人
Do not become overly comfortable with TV and YouTube as your primary sources of entertainment. Go places. Try new things. Follow your curiosities and passions. Take chances. Don’t let fear and complacency stop you from a truly rewarding life.
If you don’t build YOUR dream, someone will hire you to build THEIRS!
Young people should learn as much as they can in their first jobs and remember it will take some time to really get good.
People break down into two groups, motors and anchors. You always want to surround yourself by people who push you forward, not hold you down.、
If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.
I am the only one who places limitations on what I can do or on what I can become. Reach for the moon and you will catch a STAR! Never stop climbing!
Invest time and energy in yourself every day. When you invest in yourself, you can never lose, and over time you will change the trajectory of your life. You are simply the product of what you know. The more time and energy you spend acquiring pertinent knowledge, the more control you have over your life.
Don't "fake it until you make it." No one expects you to know everything in your first job, and you learn and grow faster when you seek real understanding, ask questions, and petition for help.
If you can make a reasonable living doing what you love, DO WHAT YOU LOVE. You may not get rich, but you’ll get to do what you love, and that’s priceless.
You become what you believe. You are where you are today in your life based on everything you have believed.