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2018/8/13 14:14:00





1. 我常聽說宮里的事福禍相依,到底是好事還是禍事,還不一定呢?

I often hear that things in the palace depend on each other. Is it a good thing or a disaster

2. 這牡丹國色天香,百花之王,的確也不是人人當得。

The peony, the king of flowers, is not everyone.

3. 這兒啊,誰也照應不了誰,自求多福吧。

 Here, no one can take care of anyone. Ask for your own good.

4. 南齊潘妃金蓮貼地,行走其間,腳下宛如步步生蓮,美麗得不可方物,因此備受寵愛。

South Qi Princess Jinlian clinging to the ground, walking, the foot is like a lotus step by step, beautiful can not square, so beloved

5. 惡人都讓我們做了,就你知道做好人。

The wicked let us do it, you know, be a good man.

6. 因為我?guī)土怂艿搅丝洫?,你們個個就眼紅。自己不幫人,還不準別人幫,天底下還有這樣的道理嗎?原本我不在乎,因為我入宮也不是為了交朋友,但今天我必須警告你們,我,魏瓔珞,天生脾氣暴,不好惹,誰要是再唧唧歪歪,我有的是法子對付她。

Because I helped her, was praised, you are all jealous. Do you not help people, do not allow others to help, the world there is such a reason? Originally I didn't care, because I didn't go to the palace to make friends, but today I have to warn you, I, Wei yingluo, was born with a bad temper, and if anyone keeps talking, I have plenty of ways to deal with her.

7. 人心存良善,更應懂自保。

A man who has a good heart should know how to protect himself.

8. 什么才是皇后該做的事情?什么才是皇后該有的樣子?

What's the queen's job? What's a queen like

9. 病貓始終是病貓,縱然咆哮一聲,也成不了老虎。

A sick cat is always a sick cat, but a roar is not a tiger.

10. 在紫禁城里生活,要想獨善其身,可沒那么容易了。

Living alone in the Forbidden City is not that easy.

11. 紅霞藍天,相映成趣,果然十分美麗。

Red clouds, blue sky, mirrored into fun, really very beautiful

12. 瓔珞她幫過我,我怎么可能丟下她不管???

Wreathy, she helped me. How could I leave her alone?

13. 好姐妹,有福同享有難同當嘛。

Good sister, have the blessing to enjoy with the difficulty.

14. 我只知道別人不找我麻煩,我也不會去找事42. 怕輸就用卑鄙的手段,只會讓別人瞧不起你。

All I know is that people don't bother me, and I don't ask for trouble. If you are afraid of losing, you will be despised by others.

15. 我行得正,坐得直,沒什么好怕的。

I walk straight and sit straight. There's nothing to be afraid of.

16. 拿起你的武器去面對你的敵人.

Take your weapon and face your enemy.
