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2018/9/11 17:27:00


   有數(shù)以千計的詞語和表達方式,由于語言或文化的原因,其他語言沒有完全相同的語言。翻譯時,我們必須運用我們的想象力和語言能力,將其以最自然的方式納入目標文本。在我們收集語言好奇心的早期文章中,我們談到了西班牙語中不可譯的話語; 這一次,來自法國人。


  There are thousands of words and expressions that, for linguistic or cultural reasons, dont have an exact equivalent in other languages. When translating, we must use our imagination and our linguistic abilities to incorporate them into the target text in the most natural way possible. In an earlier post in our collection of linguistic curiosities, we spoke of untranslatable words from Spanish; this time, its from French.


  Retrouvailles: 這個術(shù)語描述了當我們看到有人離開了很長時間的時候,壓倒我們的幸福感。它直譯為“團圓”,但是這個簡單的詞語不足以表達法國語言所表達的喜悅。


  Retrouvailles: This term describes the feeling of happiness that overwhelms us when we see someone we have been apart from for a long time. It literally translates as reunion,but this simple word isnt enough to convey the joy expressed by the French word.


  Lappel du vide: 這個術(shù)語是指當一個人處于高處時突然間跳動的沖動。也可以指在日常生活中從事破壞性行為的愿望。這是直譯,是“空洞的呼喚”。


  Lappel du vide: This term refers to the sudden impulse to jump when one is in a high place. It can also refer to the desire to engage in destructive behaviors in our daily life. Its literal translation is the call of the void.


  Dépaysement: 這個詞描述了當你在一個完全陌生的環(huán)境中,例如在另外一個國家,你感覺到迷失方向和混亂的感覺。它不僅用于改變身體的情況,還可以用來指生活中因心理或情緒狀態(tài)而發(fā)生的變化。


  Dépaysement: This word describes the feeling of disorientation and confusion that you feel when youre in a totally foreign environment, for example, in another country. Not only is it used for situations in which change is physical, it can also be used to refer to a change in mental or emotional state as a result of a life event.


  A louest: 這個法語表達形式意味著“在西方”,實際上是用來描述一個被認為是陌生的或不同的人,或者與別人不同的思想。


  A louest: This French expression which literally means in the west, is actually used to describe a person who is considered strange or different or who thinks differently from others.


  Ras-le-bol: 另一種法語表達方式是不可能翻譯的。它用來表達憤怒或沮喪; 這意味著“被厭食”?!翱赡軙环g成”我感到惡心...“或”我要到這里來“。


  Ras-le-bol: Yet another French expression which is impossible to translate literally. It is used to express anger or frustration; it means to be fed up.” “Jen ai ras-le-bol de …” could be translated as Im sick of …” or Im up to here…”.


  Chanter en yaourt / yaourte: 它的字面翻譯是“酸奶”,當一個人試圖用一種不熟悉的歌曲唱歌,用無意義的錯誤的話語或嗡嗡聲來使用; 當然,我們大家在某個時候都做了這樣的事情。


  Chanter en yaourt /yaourte: Its literal translation is to sing in yogurt, and it is used when a person tries to sing a song in a foreign language that they arent familiar with and sings the wrong words or hums meaninglessly; something that, surely, all of us have done at some point.




  As translators, we must deploy all our skills to translate these expressions without making them sound strange, and making sure that the translated text can be read fluently. Thats why its important to always work with professional translators and interpreters who have the tools and knowledge to solve these linguistic challenges.




樂文翻譯目前是國內(nèi)專業(yè)的翻譯機構(gòu)之一,公司秉承“誠信 專業(yè)”的服務(wù)理念,為國內(nèi)外客戶提供一流服務(wù)。了解更多信息:請發(fā)郵箱:abc@lewene.com或直接致電:400-895-6679咨詢。
